Every year, for as long as I can remember, I've noticed that as soon as Spring and Summer start comin' on, my eyeballs start to zero in on all things nautical. I'm pretty sure a lot of that has to do with being the daughter of a USCG Chief, and living the majority of my life very near the sea. I also start singin' Brandy... But, I digress...
At any rate, that is what inspired me to try mitering the corners of some striped Washi tape to create an "off-center chevron"(which, incidentally, then led to the whole design being nautical themed)--at least, this is what I called it because nowhere can I find an actual name for a large single chevron image that is off-center. There probably is one. Somewhere.
I'd be lyin' if I said there wasn't a lot of monkey-clappin' and deep chortling goin' on when I finished. *snarf* And, it has sparked some other ideas I'm soooo anxious to try!!! LOLLY, I do love when one idea spins off into yet another direction!!!
NOTE: I'm sure there are a number of ways to create mitered corners; this method just worked great for me!
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