The new board game stamps bring back some fun memories from my childhood. I actually played Checkers and Chinese Checkers and I remember our Chinese Checker board being metal with colored marbles. I think I'm going to have to get one of these games to play with my girls, but it is going to take some dusting off of the rule book being I can't remember how to play. How sad is that?!?
This is the thank you note to which I was referring yesterday. It was so sweet of our neighbors to host a game night when we were all snowed in during the Christmas break and so I wanted to tell them, "thanks a bunch!" So rather than sit at home alone they invited us all over to play board games. We had so much fun playing, laughing, talking and of course eating - LOL!
Using an old standby layout that I put together for one of the cards that was published in the past, I was able to quickly complete this card today. I used snowflake "ribbon" along the bottom edge to signify the snowed in evening.
This closeup shows the coloring of the board, but more importantly I wanted you to see that keeping those little "nail heads" in the corners of the board white was not a priority for me. Once the project was completed I simply use my White Opaque pen to add the details back in to the corner. One could easily do this for the actual game board too if you happen to color over the little circles. In fact you could probably add depth to the image by adding that little "bump" to the game board with either the White Opaque pen or the Clear Glaze pen for that little added dimension of the marbles.
Using the Basic Grey Ambrosia paper and some black pearls this project came together simply and easily. I would like to suggest to you that having a game night in your home can be a whole lot of fun. With each family bringing their favorite game and a little treat to munch on it turns into an evening to remember.