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May 27, 2008


carol b.

I thought that your father's day project was very clever!, Especially the way you tied all the favorite things together.

Rose Ann

It's so good to hear you are recovering well after your surgery! Hugs!! Your inchie card is adorable!!

Debbie Olson

Glad that you are starting to feel a bit better, Ellen. Great layout for inchie images!


She's baaaaaacck! Thanks for sharing the inchie idea for Father's Day. Really cute card! TYFS

Viv (VivLyn)

It's great to have you mostly back!! Glad to hear your surgery went well and you're starting to get around fairly well! Take it easy and pamper yourself!


So good to hear from you and that your recovery sounds like it is going like it should (slow and steady but with some unfortunate rough times)! Certainly have missed you and your wonderful creative inspiration. Rest assured that if I didn't live on the other side of the country I would be happy to help you settle in to your new creative space. You remain in my thoughts and prayers!


Good to hear that you are healing well. I know you have a long road ahead in healing as I have been through something similar but you are taking the best approach which is to take your time and not overdo it. All the best.


So glad you're back. Can't believe how much I've missed your posts. Having had numerous surgeries, I'm amazed your back this soon, especially given all that's been happening in your life! Take time to let yourself heal--we want you back 110%!! Seriously cute card, too.


What a cute card!!


Ellen! I'm so glad you are feeling better. I have been checking simple dreams to see how you were doing and was worried and hoping you were ok. I am glad you are back and feeling a little better. I know it is a long recovery and not very easy to get around.
The inchies are so cute and I may have to check it out myself.
Take care:)


Ellen - so glad you're feeling better! i had knee surgery just over a week ago -- it's NO fun not to be mobile! my hubby has been a sweetheart, but i hate making him run around the house to find little 'things' for me ;)

these little inchie stamps are TOO cute. and i just LOVE this layout too.

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