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Ellen Hutson LLC Blog Inspiration

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April 08, 2008


Jen Stevenson

I'm glad you're finally getting the surgery you've been waiting for so that you finally have some relief. I know it's been such a long wait to get this specific procedure done. I wish you a speedy recovery. I'll be thinking of you with good wishes. Hugs!


Ellen, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of you & enjoy the pampering.


I sympathize with your need for surgery, and empathize with the desire for a painless (or less painful) life. Chronic pain dulls creativity and interferes with every aspect of our lives. And it’s a real bummer when you also have OCD! It’s difficult to be creative, much less achieve perfection with pain dragging at your every step.

Take care of yourself first and the rest will fall into place in good time. Your many friends will help with the move, the blogs, and the creations while you recover. Your loyal fans and customers will be understanding and supportive.

Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a quick recovery.



Good luck with your move. My office moved the week after Christmas and it was quite an event. Let's just say I'm still sorting through problems, five months later. I hope your move is smoother.

Stefanie Staniak

Praying for a successful surgery first, and a swift and "organized" move second !! :)

Morag MacKay

Wishing you smooth sailing with both the move and your surgery. All the best,


I was just thinking the other day about your surgery!! I'm glad you got a chance to update us!! Thinking of you often!


please remember to take care of *you*! for without you there would be none of this (blogs,stores,cards etc).
health both physical and spiritual is #1. remember we are all supportive of you and we will weather the glitches(if any occur)together.
good luck on the surgery!


Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during your move and especially your surgery. I think we all understand how life can get in the way of our creativity!

Debby Moreau

I sure hope your business move goes smoothly for you. Sounds like alot of work but knowing you it'll be done lickety split.

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