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Ellen Hutson LLC Blog Inspiration

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March 12, 2008


Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

Marianne linked this up at her blog! So glad I saw it! I need to decorate some eggs this week, and there is a very cool challenge going on at the Hero Arts blog - to stamp on something non-paper!!!!!

I love this place!

Peggy Biggs

This is so beautiful! Love the idea.


Oh wow, what a great idea!!! I need to try this!

Lydia Fiedler

Oh my GOSH - these are amazing!! TFS!!

Gina K.

These are nothing short of a masterpiece. So beautiful and fun!
Gina K.

Velta Wesson

Oh My! These are just beautiful eggs. What a great idea...I will have to try this out with my nephew and niece!!


I knew you would come up with some beautiful eggs! Will the girls get to make some too? :)


These are simply wonderful! True works of art!


Stunning! Once again, you have created a masterpiece!

Keri Lee Sereika

This brings Easter Egg Coloring to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! I may just have to consider getting an airbrush system...

Bethann Silaika

Oh ELLEN! These are amazing! I love them - I have some serious trigger finger with my spray gun - so mine would look like the Easter bunny ate the candy, had a sugar buzz and went WOOOO WOOOO with the spritzing! LOL!

You are so clever!

Viv (VivLyn)

They are beautiful!!

Rose Ann

Oh my gosh...those are beautiful!!

Linda Marie

Aren't you clever & creative! These look fantastic & the possiblities are endless

Lynn Mercurio

These are fabulous. I just ordered an airbrush and what an inexpensive palette to work on...EGGS! Thanks you for sharing your art with us Ellen...They are EGGstraordinary!

Debby Moreau

Ellen these are so beautiful. What a family treasure.


Oh WOW! These eggs are AMAZING!!!!

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