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October 27, 2007


Kim Hughes

awww, sounds like a wonderful little get-a-way Ellen :)

Julia Stainton

So glad you had some wonderful time together Ellen. I think the most time we've had in the past 17 years since my first arrived has been 24 hours and the last time we were able to do taht was six years ago. Sigh...someday! In the meantime I'll enjoy my noisy household the best I can. :) actually we're hoping to go away in a couple years for our 20th anniversary for a week. Hmmmm...the biggest problem is finding someone to hold down the fort!


You certainly deserved some time away!!! I just love to read your description of what you saw- you are an artist in all senses of the word!


You certainly deserved some time away!!! I just love to read your description of what you saw- you are an artist in all senses of the word!

Sharon Harnist

So glad you got some time away and to rest, Ellen -- you certainly deserved it!


I love the lobby at the Bellagio, too, only it was decked out with spring flowers when my hubby and I were there. Didn't you just want to watch how the lights moved through all that beautiful glass throughout the day?

Viv (VivLyn)

It sounds like a great time and you really deserved it!


I stayed at the Venetian a few years back when my husband was there for a business meeting.
It was so beautiful I didn't want to leave.

Alli Miles

11 years IS too long. DH and I got a weekend getaway this past spring and we thought we were pushing it with 5 years. It sounds like you had an incredible time. I have never been to Vegas...but your photos make it look tempting.

Rose Ann

How wonderful for you to get away with your DH and spend some special time together! Your photos are beautiful...especially the fountains!!

I also enjoy the beauty each Las Vegas hotel has to offer. My favorites were the Bellagio and Mirage (It's been a while since I've been there, though).


So much fun, even if you had to get a ride to see it all! Glad you got some time alone with your JJ. Back to the salt mine!

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