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Ellen Hutson LLC Blog Inspiration

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April 30, 2007


Sharon Harnist

SHUT UP!! Yes, you ARE a genius -- who would have thought the markers would look so fantastic on sheet metal! Guess I'm gonna "need" some of those, LOL! Gorgeous project, Ellen!

Lisa Trombitas

How pretty and how unique - who woulda thunk you could make something like this from a rubber stamp?? Thanks for sharing your amazing creativity!


you're a freakin genius :)


Yes, yes, you are a genius! You amaze me! This is beautiful!

Linda (LSN on SCS)

Ellen...I have dropped to my knees and I am bowing to your greatness! You are just freakin brilliant!

TFS this super cool idea!



WOW these are gorgeous! You're a genius in my book too! I look at the stuff that you have created and my jaw drops! You are very inspiring to me!



MOST DEFINITELY, YOU'RE a GENIUS!!!! I'm floored by your creation of these butterflies. I think it would mushroom if you sold these custom made!!!! I also know that you don't have the time though, LOL & TFS. {{{HUGS}}}


Kathy D suggested a hairpin for the antenna, how about a paperclip? You could unwind it, straighten it out, double it over and stick it on at the same time you attach the stake. Solder might be a good way to attach them, too. These are seriously cute! Bravo!

Kathy D

How pretty! You are going to have people driving from miles around to see your precioius butterfly garden (think "Field of Dreams").

What about really fine hair pins for antenna?


Debbie Olson

YES!! You ARE brilliant, and a whole host of other wonderful things! Ü This is so cool, Ellen--great idea!


I'd like to order one to go. No, not the embossing stylus - a butterfly! Pink, purple and a little yellow - okay?!

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