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Ellen Hutson LLC Blog Inspiration

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April 10, 2007



Boy am I happy that I found you ! I just LOVE you site . . . your cards, your store, your blogs, everything! Can't wait to order some stuff tomorrow. I live in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Don't stamp nearly as much as I'd like to, but manage to get in an hour or so once or twice a week. Usually, I stamp alone. Please enter me in the drawing . . . Thanks.

K Ostvig

I hope its not challenges, because this week I am craft room challenged its all tore up because I am painting it. I am going to work really fast to finish up a clean spot to work on Fri if I have too..I cant wait to see what you have up your sleave. Just a little hint please.


I can hardly wait!! I love the items you sell!


You are such a tease girl! :D I love surprises! Thanks for the fun times!


I live in Ohio and I usually stamp a few hours a week and more if my hubby and son let me. I stamp most of the time by myself but once I month I stamp with friends.

Joyce C.

Hi Ellen--I live in Texas and enjoy stamping with a group once a month and occasionally by myself. Your blog is a joy.


Who doesn't love a sale! Looking forward to lucky Friday the 13th. I live in Texas and stamp on my own whenever I find the time.


I live here in Washington, up in Snohomish county. I try to stamp an hour or so a day, but life often gets in the way! Some friends and I get together often to stamp. We also have a monthly "class" at our church where 3 of us bring a project for them to do for a small fee.

Connie Pruitt

I stamp daily too. Live in a small town in Missouri. I stamp alone. Love your blog.

Connie Pruitt

I stamp daily too. Live in a small town in Missouri. I stamp alone. Love your blog.

Regina Davis

This Friday is payday AND you're having a sale?! Yahoo!

Kendra aka Scrapstampindiva

Hi Ellen! I'll be at the party! lol I live in TEXAS. I would have to say I stamp around 13 hours or so during the work week and at least 16 hours on the weekend. During the week I stamp alone, but on the weekends I stamp with my best friend and sometimes my sister :)


I am so excited!! I have been developing a wish list for your site. thanks for throwing this promotion for "me" ,ha ha. I stamp everyday and mostly by myself only because I do it almost as soon as I get up. My brain has lately been seeing the world in "stamps" as I have been home for 2 months with a foot that will not work. (still don't know why). If I have friends over to stamp, I find that I cannot "multi-task" , you know, talk and chew stamps at the same time. I then talk and think up new designs with my friends. I love your blog and store and am tickled to find them!! Janet in NC


Well, I am from Indiana...I usually stamp for only one or two hours per week. (I work full-time outside the home so, one or two hours per week is ROCKIN'!!!)
AND, I usually do it alone or with my daughters - ages 15, 19 and 20 (when the older two are home from college). When I have girlfriends over, I usually spend more time visiting and less time stamping! ha ha! It's fun anyway!!


I stamp when I'm not scrapbooking and scrapbook when I'm not stamping. When I'm in "stamp mode" I'd say I get in a couple of hours, broken up over the period of a day. I'm afraid while I'm multitasking, I'm working alone.


Hi Ellen!! It's the 'mutt' here again! ;) I'm soooooo excited about your sale!!! I was squealing with excitement (actually, it was an internal squeal because I'm at work and people would look at me funny if I did it out loud)!!

So to answer your question, I'm a New Zealand born, Australian raised girl living with my husband and wee little daughter in New Hampshire - miles and miles away from home! I just started stamping and I think I'm already hooked! Mostly I stamp alone, but once a month I stamp with three other ladies and we have LOTS of fun! :)

Paula Bloom

Ellen, you make your blog fun, fun, fun! My lucky number has always been 13 so I can't wait til FridaY!
I stamp every day, at least for a moment or two. Most days I stamp for hours on end. My kiddies are all grown up so I have lots of time for creation station!

Wendy Luse

I can't wait for Friday the 13th. Never thought I'd say that. :-) I am from Minnesota. I stamp about 5-8 hours per week and I like stamping with friends but am most productive when I am alone in my own stamping place.


I stamp daily in the eve's and stamp club every once in a while. I am from CA. I have a new blog. Stop by and visit. Thanks


Hi Ellen,
My name is Anne and I spend 10 hrs alone stamping in Fullerton, CA. I also stamp 1 x a mo with a stamp club


can't wait for the 13th now!! :)

Barb g

Hi Ellen...this is soooooo exciting...I can hardly wait to see all of your new stuff! And you know you will be seeing my name on some orders!!! I stamp approximately 10-15 hours a week...not necessarily making a lot of cards...I take hours designing even one card, most often. I also stamp alone, sure wish I had some stampin' friends close by, it would be so much more fun. Ok, hope you have a fantastic week, and I know you will get the tech stuff right! Hugs, Barb g

K Ostvig

How exciting what a clever Idea, I like it. Now I just need to remember it on Friday!

Cheryl Sims

This is going to be fun. I live in NC and probably stamp on the average of 2 hours a day and I love to stamp with friends. As a matter of fact, I have one friend who gets together with me once a week for a day of stamping and trying new techniques. Thanks for the fun, Ellen.

Joan B

ok, so when it is 7 am pacific, it is 10 am eastern, right? I am such a dork when it comes to time. I'm off to link to this on my site!!

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